Master class school research

21 April 2022
13:00 - 17:00

Taalonderzoek, hoe doe je dat?

Zit jij in 4/5/6 HAVO of VWO en wil je voor jouw profielwerkstuk meer weten over hoe baby’s en jonge kinderen taal leren en hoe taalonderzoek gedaan wordt? Neem dan op 21 april deel aan de unieke online masterclass: ‘Taalonderzoek bij kinderen: hoe doe je dat?’. De masterclass wordt vanuit het Baby & Child Research Center georganiseerd door de afdeling Language Development.

What will you learn?

Tijdens deze masterclass geven wij informatie over taalontwikkeling en het doen van taalonderzoek bij kinderen. Voorbeelden van thema’s die aan bod komen zijn:

  • Waarom praten we op een bijzondere manier tegen baby’s?
  • Do all children learn language in the same way?
  • Why do children pronounce words differently than adults?
  • How do children communicate before they can talk?

In the masterclass you will receive lectures about language development of babies and young children, and about setting up a research project (including formulating a question, conducting research and analyzing data). In between you take a look at the children's language lab to see how we do research.

In the second part of the masterclass you will work in small groups to apply the knowledge you have acquired to your own research. Our researchers look forward to hearing your research ideas and thinking along about any questions you may have. This new information will help you write your profile paper (under the supervision of your own teacher and based on the guidelines of your own school).

For whom?

This masterclass is intended for HAVO and VWO students who are going to write their profile paper on child language acquisition. Due to the content of the masterclass, it is important that you already have some idea of what your research question is, so that we can divide the groups based on this.

Practical information

  • Participation is free
  • Locatie: Online
  • Datum: 21 april 2022
  • The masterclass is possible (partly) in English
  • We hanteren een minimum en maximum aantal deelnemers
  • If you have any questions about the masterclass, please contact

Sign up

Het is inmiddels helaas niet meer mogelijk je aan te melden.

6 November 2024
10.00 - 11.00
Bibliotheek Mariënburg, Nijmegen