From baby steps to big discoveries

With your help our knowledge expands

The Baby and Child Research Center studies children from pregnancy up to six years old.

We study the development of language, social interaction, cognition and the wellbeing of mother and child. Topics that apply to all parents and children!

With your help we learn more and more about the development of baby and child.

Ouders en kinderen vinden het leuk om mee te doen aan onderzoek.

Ook dragen jullie zo bij aan nieuwe kennis over de ontwikkeling van baby en kind.

En hoe meer we weten, hoe beter we de ontwikkeling van baby en kind kunnen ondersteunen!

Our research would not be possible without the help of enthusiastic parents who participate with their children.

Are you pregnant or do you have a child younger than 6? Please sign up below to participate in our research!

We have three different locations in Nijmegen, all at the university campus.

Some studies take place in one of our research centers; other studies are online. Another possibility is that our researchers will visit you and your child at home.

Once you signed up, you will enter our database. When we start a project on mothers in a certain week of their pregnancy, or on children of a certain age, we will invite you if you or your child meet these requirements.

Is this a bad time? No worries; per study you decide whether you want to participate.

Thank you for participating! We now know a little bit more about the development of baby and child. 

To thank you, you will receive a gift or a small amount of money after participation. This may differ per study; you will be informed before taking part.