Esmee Breddels


About me

HomeDevelopmental PsychobiologyEsmee Breddels

The stress network, how we deal with stressful situations, is partly developed during the first 1000 days of our lives. Development begins in the womb and continues up to the 2 year of life. Prolonged or frequent stress during this period can have major consequences for their health up till adulthood. Fortunately, there are ways to protect babies from these negative effects, for example, love and support in a period of stress can ensure that the baby still develops a healthy stress network.

Research questions I will try to answer during my PhD are:

  • What increases the risk of frequent or chronic stress in children in their first 1000 days?
  • What protects children from the negative effects of chronic stress?
  • Can we predict which children have a higher risk of chronic stress and its negative effects?